Utah Vocal Arts Academy
Jul 30, 2021
"Linnea Miner Mott was always believable, unimaginably energetic, and laugh-out-loud funny as Eurydice. I couldn't imagine the production without her."
- Dr. Anthony Buck, Director
From hurling laundry at my husband, Orpheus, to plumeting down to Hell with Pluto, to singing a love duet with a fly, to finally dancing the "Can Can" with John Stix, playing the role of Eurydice in Orpheus in the Underworld was one of the most boisterous and silly roles I have ever performed. Dr. Anthony Buck's new english translation provided a fun opporunity to connect with the audience and lean into the comedic themes of the opera. It was a pleasure to work closley with direcotor, Anthony Buck, and conductor, Michaella Calzaretta.